A Beginner's Guide to Patent Registration in India: Procedure, Fees, and Time Duration


In a world driven by innovation, a patent serves as a powerful shield that protects the inventor's intellectual property. A patent grants exclusive rights over an invention, ensuring that others cannot make, use, sell, or distribute the patented product or process without authorization. Whether you're a startup founder, an independent inventor, or a business looking to secure your innovations, understanding the patent registration process in India is essential. This guide will walk you through the procedure, fee structure, and time duration for patent registration in India.

What is a Patent?

A patent is a legal right granted by the government to an inventor for a new, useful, and non-obvious invention. This right allows the inventor to exclude others from commercially exploiting the invention without consent for a limited period, usually 20 years. Patents can be granted for various types of inventions, including new products, processes, machines, or compositions of matter.

The Patent Registration Procedure in India

The process of patent registration in India is a structured sequence of steps that ensures the invention meets the required legal criteria before a patent is granted.

  • 1. Invention Disclosure:

    The process begins with the detailed documentation of the invention, capturing all technical aspects, working mechanisms, and potential applications. Keeping a thorough record of the invention, along with any modifications, is crucial for filing a patent application.

  • 2. Patentability Search:

    Before filing a patent application, it's essential to conduct a patentability search. This search helps determine whether the invention is novel, non-obvious, and has not been previously patented or disclosed. Conducting this search minimizes the risk of rejection and ensures that the invention qualifies for patent protection.

  • 3. Filing the Patent Application:

    Once the invention's novelty is confirmed, the next step is filing the patent application with the Indian Patent Office. The application can be filed as a provisional or complete specification:

    • * Provisional Specification: : Filing a provisional specification gives the inventor a priority date and allows them to claim "Patent Pending" status. The complete specification must be filed within 12 months of the provisional filing.
    • * Complete Specification: The complete specification includes detailed information about the invention, including claims that define the scope of the patent protection.
  • 4. Publication of the Patent Application:

    After filing the complete specification, the patent application is published in the official Patent Journal, typically 18 months from the filing date or priority date. The applicant can request early publication if desired.

  • 5. Request for Examination:

    A request for examination must be filed within 48 months from the filing date or priority date, whichever is earlier. The Indian Patent Office then examines the application to ensure it meets the patentability criteria, such as novelty, inventive step, and industrial applicability.

  • 6. Examination and Response:

    Following the examination, the Patent Office issues an examination report highlighting any objections or deficiencies. The applicant must respond to these objections within the specified time frame (usually 6 months), addressing the issues raised.

  • 7. Grant of Patent:

    If the Patent Office is satisfied with the responses and all objections are resolved, the patent is granted and published in the Patent Journal. The patent is valid for 20 years from the filing date of the application, subject to the payment of renewal fees.

Fee Structure for Patent Registration in India

The fee structure for patent registration in India varies depending on the type of applicant and the stage of the application process.

  • 1. Application Filing Fee:

    * For Individuals/Startups/Small Entities:
    Provisional Application: ₹1,600 (online) / ₹1,750 (offline)
    Complete Specification: ₹4,000 (online) / ₹4,400 (offline)

    * For Other Entities (Companies, etc.):
    Provisional Application: ₹8,000 (online) / ₹8,800 (offline)
    Complete Specification: ₹20,000 (online) / ₹22,000 (offline)

  • 2. Request for Examination Fee:

    * For Individuals/Startups/Small Entities:
    ₹4,000 (online) / ₹4,400 (offline)

    * For Other Entities:
    ₹20,000 (online) / ₹22,000 (offline)

  • 3. Fee for Expedited Examination:

    * For Individuals/Startups/Small Entities:
    ₹8,000 (online) / ₹8,800 (offline)

    * For Other Entities:
     ₹60,000 (online) / ₹66,000 (offline)

  • 4. Early Publication Fee (Optional):

    * For Individuals/Startups/Small Entities:
    ₹2,500 (online) / ₹2,750 (offline)

    * For Other Entities:
    ₹12,500 (online) / ₹13,750 (offline)

  • 5. Renewal Fees:

    Annual renewal fees are required to maintain the patent after it is granted. The fee increases progressively over the 20-year period.

Time Duration for Patent Registration

The time duration for obtaining a patent in India can vary based on factors such as the complexity of the invention, the thoroughness of the examination, and the responsiveness to objections. On average, the patent registration process can take anywhere from 2 to 4 years. However, expedited examination procedures are available, which can significantly reduce this timeline to as little as 6 to 12 months, depending on the circumstances.


Securing a patent in India is a critical step in protecting your inventions and ensuring that you have exclusive rights to commercialize them. While the process may appear complex, understanding the steps involved, the fee structure, and the time duration can make it more approachable. Whether you're an individual inventor, a startup, or a large corporation, navigating the patent registration process with clarity and confidence is key to safeguarding your innovations and contributing to technological advancement.

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